Shop Women’s cycling clothes

Meet The Founder

As a new leisure cyclist, Mariel went through the usual steps to get the beginners pack: buy a bike, buy a helmet, and choose an outfit. She searched online for "women's cycling clothes" and quickly realized there was only one outfit option.

Every website sold the classic skin-tight cycling outfit, which consists of lycra shorts and a jersey top. This outfit reflects a level of intensity that Mariel didn't feel was right for her level or her bike use. She wanted to go on a 3-hour cycle with her husband, discover a new town, have a nice lunch, get a nice workout, enjoy the outdoors, and call it a day.

Mariel started cycling in her regular gym clothes, but quickly realized she was either too hot or too cold, she didn't have any of the pockets she needed, they were too short in the back, etc... Her frustration continued with every ride, and so Orya was born.